Thursday, November 19, 2020

Art Commission City of Glendale Holiday windows on Artsakh St. Glendale CA


Art by Stefanie Girard

This is a collection of art and art installations by Stefanie Girard.

"Welcome" to America - Mixed-media

" I Dissent" Art Chair

 RBG Tribute installation



"Baby's First Drug Alphabet Book" 26 watercolors with installation elements.


"Cure Bear" 

Art Candy Machine art tree and Micro Art Candy Machine at the Neutra Gallery

"I'll Cut You"

"Thoughts and Prayers" Rosary made of 61 recycled used gun triggers.

recycled used gun trigger rosary stefanie Girard art

"Doily Pusher"


"Try Me"

"Make Me"

"Tactical Tomato"

"Moving Blocks"

"Moving Blocks"

"Moving Blocks"


"Moving Blocks" close up 

"Alternative Facts"


"7 Deadly Sins"

"Spark This"

"Silence is Better Than Bullsh*t"

"Write Me"

"Scissors and 2 bunnies"

"Because I said so"

"Cage the Animal"

"...Like a Boss"

Retrospective exhibit of eco-art at the Glendale Central Library

"The Writing is on the Wall;45"

"The writing is on the wall....paper."

 "Pill Paintings"

"Beyond a Shadow of a Doubt"

"Not everything is Black and White" Braille Pom poms

"Paper and Bunny"

"They taught you how to write, don't let them take that right away"

"Breathe Up"

"Killing It"


bG Gallery Slivers show

"Between a Rock and a Hard Place" Interactive mirror

"Don't Be Racist" Acrylic and Glitter